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Managing your Envelopes tab

This is your one-stop shop for finding the envelopes you need, in no time at all!

Alongside the search bar, where you can search for your envelope’s title specifically, you’ll also see a number of dropdown filters labelled Status, Date, Sent By, Recipient and Bulk Send. These filters will allow you to narrow your search criteria to find exactly what you need. Select your filter, then select 'Apply'.

‘Status’ will allow you to search by the status of your envelope - In Progress, Signed, Draft, etc.

‘Date’ will allow you to search by both the date an envelope was created and the date of the last signature on the document.

‘Sent By’ will allow you to filter envelopes by the specific user that sent them out - meaning you’ll be able to view just your own envelopes when searching.

‘Recipient’ will allow you to search for a specific recipient or recipients by either their name or their email.

‘Bulk Send’ will allow you to filter envelopes by the Bulk Send title they were sent out with, more information on Bulk Sends can be found under the Bulk Send tab within Signable!

To remove any of these filters once applied, simply click the ‘Clear’ button.

Filters will then remain in place until they are cleared or you log out of Signable, so no need to constantly re-create the filters each time you view a specific envelope.

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