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What are Signable tags?

Signable Tags are our way of allowing you to add text tags to your document before uploading it to Signable.

We will then automatically grab these tags and replace them with the relevant field (signature, date, text or checkbox).

One thing to remember when adding Tags to your document, is to keep them on one line to ensure the Tag is retained. For example:


A tag is broken down as follows:


Spaces are always replaced with +, and tags always need to be enclosed with {}.

Please note:  A tag must be on the same line and cannot be broken up eg {text:signer1:Name} will work, but {text:signer1

:Name} will not work because of half the tag being on a new line. Reducing font size will help with this.

Tags also do not support the use of characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9 E.g. “my+tag+name+/+label” will break the tag. If you need to add a ‘space’ for a title, please use ‘+’ as seen in the above example.

Please also make sure to not capitalise the field type or signer in the tag, as the system will not accept this as a tag e.g {Text:Signer1:Name} must be changed to {text:signer1:Name}.

What tags do you support?

We support Tags for the following Signable fields, signature, date, text , file upload and checkbox fields. When uploaded to Signable the tags are automatically replaced with the specified field as seen below and are assigned to the first party (signer1), unless you specify a second party (signer2).






The Tags above, if placed on a document will automatically create a signature field with the name ‘Please Sign Here’, a text field with the name ‘Your Name’, a date field with the name ‘Date Here’ and a checkbox with the name ‘Please Tick’.

All will be assigned to the first party (signer1).

Can I make the field optional via a Tag?

Sure! Just add a question mark (?) to the end of the WHAT. So for example if you want to have a text field that is optional, you can use:


Can I use Tags for multiple parties?

Of course! Just use signer1, signer2, signer3 e.t.c in place of the ‘signer1’ in the examples above. You can assign tags to as many parties as you have in the document, just keep incrementing the number!

How do I adjust the height and width of the tag?

There are three ways of changing the width and height of a tag:

  1. By increasing the font size of the Tag in your document
  2. By adding +’s to the beginning and end of the Tag, e.g {++++text:signer1:Name++++}. This increases the width but not the height.
  3. A more advanced way of explicitly setting the height and width in the Tag itself is by adding the height and width size.

    When using tags, the default size is 10×100.

    This way can be fiddly, however the below gives you an example of how this can be done:

    If you had a Text Tag called ‘Name’ and you wanted to set the width to ‘100’, you can use the following Tag:{text,w100:signer1:Name}

    If you wanted to set the height to 10 you can use the following Tag: {text,h10:signer1:Name} You can, of course, combine them and override both the width and the height using the following Tag: {text,w100,h10:signer1:Name}.

    The unit of measurement is actually PDF units and so may take some playing around with to get the correct width and height.

Please note: When setting both the height and width of a tag as seen above, please make sure to use the width measurement then height, rather than height then width. eg {text,w100,h20:signer1:Name}

Can I set checkbox groups, via the Tag, like I can do when dragging on a field?

Yes you can, for example, the below Tags will create four checkboxes, 2 in a group called ‘Test1’ and 2 in a group called ‘Test2’:





So to confirm, you need to append ‘-GROUP’ to the ‘check’ part of the Tag. All check Tags with the same group will be grouped together.

One last note, if you do need to edit the tags, this can be done when the document is loaded onto the Signable platform. You can resize, add, delete and edit any fields that are pulled through from the tag document, so don’t worry if you need to change anything!

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