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How do I enable 2FA for my company?

Step 1

From your dashboard, you’ll need to go to Company Settings.

Step 2

From here, click the Security tab.

Step 3

Now click the toggle under ‘Enforce Two-factor Authentication‘, that will say ‘Not enforced’, to switch it to 'Enforced', and you’re 2FA Enabled!

Step 4

The next time you log out of the account, you and any of your users, will be prompted to link your 2FA enabled Signable account with an authenticator app of your choosing! 

Once you’ve set up 2FA via an authenticator, you’ll be asked to enter a code each time you log-into Signable.

Disabling 2FA

Disabling 2FA is as simple as clicking the toggle that now says ‘Enforced’ to 'Not enforced', which will turn off the 2FA requirement for all users.

Please note: When 2FA is enforced on the account, it is mandatory for all users to activate it. If not enforced on the account, the user’s 2FA will remain active but they will have the option of disabling it.

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