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Can I change the emails Signable sends out?

You can override Signable's default email templates, if you need more brand customisation, and modify individual email templates sent by the platform to customise the content that your recipients will see when they receive an email.

This is an advanced feature and there are many benefits to using the default templates.

How to upload and modify email templates

Step 1

Click on ‘Branding’ on the left-hand side panel and head to the ‘Email Templates’ section.

Step 2

Under ‘Custom Templates’ click on the email template that you would like to modify.

Step 3

In the panel that opens, you will be presented with an editor allowing you to modify the email template as needed.

The following ‘variables’ are available and act as merge tags to dynamically add content to email templates:

{contract url}

{company name}

{client name}

{contract title}

{acknowledge url}

{user name}

{party message}

{company logo}

Step 4

After customising your email template click ‘Save Template’ to save your changes. You can also click ‘Reset Email’ to revert to the default template.

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