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Can I enter details onto my document before sending?

Uploading a unique document for each client is a bit of a pain, especially when your documents are exactly the same, save for a tiny piece of data like a price or a company name. Using ‘Prefill Type’ allows you to upload add text boxes onto a Template and add information into them, before sending it out to your clients.

How to set up a prefill type

Step 1

Open up the Template you’d like to use Prefill Type on and add a text box field.

Step 2

Click into the text box field and you should see the field editor panel appear at the bottom of your screen.

Step 3

Under ‘Prefill Type’, click +Assign. From here you’ll be presented with the Prefill Types window.

Step 4

‘Search prefill types’ can be used to find any Prefill Types you’ve previously made. Or, to create a new group, click into the ‘Add prefill type…’ box and name it with the text that should appear within the box, eg “Name”. 

Next,  press the blue ‘+’ to the right of that box to add it.

Step 5

You should now see your newly added prefill type, highlighted in blue, with a tick next to it.

This means that this prefill type is now assigned to this text box, so next, go ahead and click ‘Assign’ at the bottom of the Prefill Types window.

Please note: It doesn’t matter who you assign the Prefill Types to, so long as you make sure to fill them in on the next step.

Step 6

Once you’ve sorted all of your pre-fillable fields out, go ahead and start the send envelope process, by clicking ‘New Envelope’ as normal and follow the process through.

After the step where you add your party’s information in, you’ll be presented with the Prefill fields panel.

Here you are shown all of your Prefill Types, all you need to do is click into the boxes and start typing in the information.

Please note: Any prefill type boxes you leave empty, will be sent to the assigned party to fill in.

And that’s all there is to it! Your information you filled into your Prefill Type boxes, will now be transferred onto the document. You can view how this will look for your signer by clicking ‘Preview’ in the final step.

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